Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program
Program Overview
The Maryland Coastal Management Program was approved by NOAA in 1978, and the Department of Natural Resources is the lead agency. The coastal management program is a networked program composed of several state planning and regulatory programs implementing a suite of enforceable policies to protect coastal resources and manage coastal uses, including the Chesapeake Bays Critical Areas Protection Program.
Maryland’s coastal zone follows the inland boundary of the counties (and Baltimore City) bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, and the Potomac River (as far as the municipal limits of Washington, D.C.).
Program Website
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Zone Management Program
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Maryland CRS Highlights
Maryland CRS HighlightsThe Chesapeake & Coastal Service (CCS) provides support for coastal communities participating in or exploring the CRS for flood mitigation though technical assistance efforts including the CoastSmart Communities Program, Maryland CRS Users...