New York Coastal Zone Management Program
Program Overview
The New York Coastal Management Program was approved by NOAA in 1982, with the New York Department of State serving as the lead agency. The Executive Law Article 42, Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways, provides the state with the authority to establish a coastal program, develop coastal policies, define the coastal boundaries, and establish state consistency requirements.
The New York coastal zone boundary is generally 1,000 feet inland from the shoreline in non-urbanized areas. In urbanized areas and other developed locations along the coastline, the inland boundary is usually 500 feet or less from the shoreline, with the boundary extending inland up to 10,000 feet in some areas to encompass significant coastal resources.
Program Website
New York Department of State, Coastal Management Program
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New York CRS Highlights
New York CRS HighlightsThe New York State Coastal Management Program (CZMP) within the Department of State partners with the Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, state and federal partners, and coastal...