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CSO Offshore Energy & Infrastructure Work Group
September 22, 2021 Call Agenda
3:00pm-4:30pm ET | 2:00pm-3:30pm CT | 12:00pm-1:30pm PT

Use computer or phone for audio:
Phone: (669) 224-3412
Access Code: 654-619-925


  1. CSO OEI WG September 2021 Agenda
  2. CSO OEI WG July 2020 Notes
  3. CSO OEI WG Contact List


  1. Chair/Staff Update (10 min)
    1. Legislative/Regulatory Update
    2. October Member Meeting
  2. Discussion: Compensatory Mitigation and Regional Mitigation Frameworks (45 min)
    1. Status update followed by member discussion.
    2. Forum for member information sharing
      1. BOEM study – consultation with states
      2. Structure of regional framework – states, BOEM, NMFS, stakeholders
      3. Legal frameworks and role of / impact on federal consistency
        1. Compensatory mitigation as condition on concurrence
      4. What are your primary questions / concerns?
      5. Work Group goals – how to constructively contribute?
  3. Discussion: Work Group Planning (10 min)
    1. November call scheduling
    2. Work plan update – work group functions and goals
  4. Member Updates (25 min)
    1. Every call, we will hold a round-robin Member Update session for each program to provide brief updates on what has been happening in their state/territory, and to share questions and concerns with the group.
  5. Adjourn