CSO Projects

CSO works at the nexus of coastal science research, policy research, outreach and decision-making — striving to improve coastal communities’ capacity to understand, plan for, and respond to coastal impacts now and in the future. 

One way CSO supports the work of the coastal States and Territories is investigating and applying new and emerging scientific and social science knowledge  to coastal decision-making, and developing and disseminating products such as reports, tools, trainings, and webinars for coastal management end users.

Project Profiles

Great Lakes

Great Lakes Habitat Workshops
Great Lakes Habitat Workshops

Great Lakes Habitat Workshops Prioritizing projects for habitat restorationConvening to prioritize projects In 2019, with the help of LimnoTech and...


Sediment Regulations Project
Sediment Regulations Project

Project Profile:  Sediment Regulations ProjectProject Partners: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, and...

Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Project
Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Project

Project Profile:  Atlantic Flyway Shorebird ProjectProject Partners: Manomet and Coastal States Organization Project Type: Policy and Planning ...