Work Groups
From time to time, CSO members convene Work Groups to implement specific initiatives or explore topic areas of importance to the membership. CSO also supports a state Legal Council, which convenes to discuss pertinent legal issues and provide a network of state attorneys focusing on coastal and ocean issues. Active Work Groups include:
Coastal Hazards Planning & Adaptation Work Group
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Kline (GA) & Becky Hill (NJ)
The Coastal Hazards Planning & Adaptation Work Group is a venue for knowledge sharing and discussion around coastal hazards topics and provides guidance to CSO on legislative and policy issues related to climate change and coastal hazards.
Staff POC: Marisa Borreggine
Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution Work Group
Co-Chairs: Autumn Nitz (AL) & Kelly Hill (GA)
The Coastal NPS Work Group facilitates information sharing between federal agencies and states, working with states individually and collectively to respond to water quality issues. The Work Group now coordinates asynchronously to discuss priority Management Measures and other relevant topics, providing insight and information sharing to support states in attaining water quality goals.
Staff POC: Vidya Balasubramanyam
Communications Work Group
Co-Chairs: Kim Cole (DE) & Steve Holland (OH)
The purpose of the Communications Work Group is to equip the CSO membership and staff with communications tools and messages that clearly communicate the value of coastal management programs and advance support for CSO and the CZMA. Work Group Members provide input and guidance on messaging materials, identify connections with social media campaigns, and participate in communications community of practice.
Staff POC: TBD
Offshore Energy & Infrastructure Work Group
The Offshore Energy and Infrastructure Work Group provides a platform for coordination between CSO member programs and for constructive engagement with external partners on process issues in the state-federal partnership for managing the offshore domain.
Staff POC: John Ryan-Henry
Coastal Erosion Policy Work Group
Co-Chairs: Braxton Davis (NC) & Justine Nihipali (HI)
The Coastal Erosion Policy Work Group is a 12-month work group will develop consensus around a national CSO position on federal coastal erosion policy through a new CSO (or joint CSO/partner) policy statement.
Staff POC: John Ryan-Henry
CSO Legal Council
The CSO Legal Council brings together state attorneys and coastal zone managers to discuss timely legal themes and issues impacting the coastal states. The group works to provide opportunities for members to coordinate with other states on key issues and cases, share ideas, and network with counterparts from across the nation.
Staff POC: John Ryan-Henry